Monday, March 10, 2008

Friends & The Museum...

So this last week we went to the mUsEuM with some friends & had a blast. They are featuring SeSamE sTReEt presents the body-which I highly recommend(all except the PoOp pArT, Becks hasn't stopped talking about it since & out of just doesn't sound right!) The only problem with going in a group is that my rule is..."if it is for my kids, let them just have fun." You're probably wondering what the problem is. My kids don't necessarily want to do what all the other kids want to do. Especially Beckham-seeing that all the other friends are girl. So anyway, sorry not many(any) pics with the friends, but I think it was a good time for ALL!

p.s.- I was playing around with these in photoshop...what do you think? Too much?

{ I look like a fireman?}

{I just can't seem to get wet enough with so little water!}

{driving under the influence of sugar}

{boys will be boys}

{just building my dream home}

{hhmmmm, something about this doesn't taste right.'s plastic}

{yep, it's just as soft as it looks!}

{i just need a few things for dinner}

{this was the last part of the digestive guessed it...the poop}

{i think we've seen enough}

{just need to pay for our things...}

{take one more little rest...}

{pack up in the stroller...oh yeah, don't forget the thumb!}


Brooke said...

Oh, the museum is so much fun. I didn't know there was a Sesame thing there now! We'll have to check it out...cute pics!!!

Katie said...

cute picks Brit. Now I am feeling a little bad that we didn't come. Next time for sure.

the peine's said...

Looks like fun. Avi is just adorable. I really need to meet her. I am going to meet Stef's Avie this week. I am so excited!

Jack Attack said...

well done. that looks like so much fun. i think I'll have to take Jack when I am in town.

sillyhaywardfamily said...

Tons 'O' fun we need to do that again!!!

Tiff said...

I think those pics look great! I really need to take my kidos up there! I love the pic of them both on the red bean bags to cute!!!

Ashes said...

How do you make your pictures look like that? They are awesome! What a fun trip for you guys.

My three sons said...

Hey! I love that museum. Remember how i live in the middle of nowhere? Ya, we frequent any and all fun places we can find. there is actually a pretty cute one in ogden. just gotta dodge the bullets from the gang members on the way in. no biggie. well, you better invite me next time and come to my house and help me make my page cute. i cant get the freakin slideshows to post!!! i made like 50!

Natalie said...

That last picture is the cutest picture I have ever seen. What kind of camera do you have?

Kass Martin said...

So cute. I love you little girls hair. That is to die for. I should take Dayne and Bridget to that museum, that looks awesome. Great pictures and great quilt!