Monday, March 31, 2008

Just back from Mardi Gras...

I have told you how Avi is TOTALLY obsessed with accessories-- well this is as bad as it gets!!! Her latest fixation has been BeAdS. She wants to wear these things eVeRywHerE. They are the first thing she wants when she wakes up & does not want to take them off to sleep. The other day we were at a store & a lady asked if I had gotten them for her at Mardi Gras...what was she implying?


I always have to share if something happens at work that I think is here it goes.
Today I got a call from a lady that ordered some flowers on behalf of her boss & for some reason she is unable to find the receipt. I know this doesn't sound weird yet-just wait. So I start to ask her some basic information: her name, who the order was going to & the date of delivery. This is when it gets good. So she tells me her name, the recipients name & then tells me that it was for delivery January 15th...2007. I stopped for a minute to make sure I heard her right & that she did in fact say 2007. She then confirmed that was in fact correct. I then proceeded that we don't keep our records for orders for more than a year & that I was so sorry that I wouldn't be able to help her. I just had to laugh because I have people call me to fax receipts all the time & it's no problem, but 15 months is a little bit of a stretch!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

B & K

This May my little brother Brock is getting married to this cute girl Kanani. This week they asked me if I would take some pictures for them...& I was honored. It was super fun & I think that they liked them too. Here are a few of my favs. Enjoy...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back to School...

I have people asking me about the how I do the header on my blog & if I could teach them. So I have decided to start a Begining Digital Scrapbooking class. The class will be held on Mondays, from 8-9:30, in Provo (not at my house). It will go for 4 weeks & will cover mostly begining aspects of Digi-scrapping: basic tools of Photoshop, importing papers, elements & fonts, creating projects to print & blog, customizing cards & invites, ect. The cost for the class is $50.00 & it will start April 7th. A laptop is not required for the class, but you can definatly bring one if you have it. To sign up for the class or if you have any other questions, you can e-mail me at britfullmer{at}mac{dot}com. Happy Scrapping!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

ThE hUnT!!!

Yesterday was our annual friend EasTeR eGg HunT. My friend Kes puts it together each year & boy are we grateful!!! The kids have so much fun PlaYinG & eAtiNg & hUntiNg! It's crazy how time flies though. Last year Avi was so little, strapped to me in a Bjorn. This year she was running wild with Becks...needless to say, it was easier last year! Anyway we had a ton of fun & if you can't tell by the chocolate running down Becks face- there was NO lack of sugar! Thanks again Kes!

{Before we can hunt...}

{the grown~ups have to hide the eggs...}

{so we play on the playground.}

{we get our egg holder...}

{a.k.a easter baskets}

{some find 1...}

{some will get many...}

{some grab them fast...}

{others are more careful with there selections...}

{some will even pause for a little snapshot...}

{& even when it seems all have been found, a stowaway!}

{now for the best part...}

{the treasure inside...}

{"show & tell"}

{a special SpiderMan Egg...awesome!}

{Easter Egg hunts are so much fun!}

{& the candy is soooo yummy!}

{i think there's something on my face...}

{with all these eggs we'll have candy for a week!}

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chinese take-out...take-in!

I have put a fun idea on my recipe blog...5 of my favorite Chinese recipes. Appitizers & Entrees. Go print them off & do your own Chinese Take-IN night!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another 1 of my obsessions...almost a dream come true!

I was on one of my friends blog & found the CoOleSt thing! All my friends know that I am obsessed with FoNtS & am always looking for cute ones...& it's even better when they're free!!! Anyway, back to the point- at THIS awesome sight you can make your handwriting into a font...for FrEe!!! Don't fret! If you don't like your handwriting you can download ToNs of other cute ones for fReE. So much cute stuff for FrEe... what can I say- it's a great day. I have to say that I am not nearly as excite to do mine as I am my MoMs! She has the cutest script & it will be so nice to have it right at my FiNgErTipS! Thanks Andrea!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Friends & The Museum...

So this last week we went to the mUsEuM with some friends & had a blast. They are featuring SeSamE sTReEt presents the body-which I highly recommend(all except the PoOp pArT, Becks hasn't stopped talking about it since & out of just doesn't sound right!) The only problem with going in a group is that my rule is..."if it is for my kids, let them just have fun." You're probably wondering what the problem is. My kids don't necessarily want to do what all the other kids want to do. Especially Beckham-seeing that all the other friends are girl. So anyway, sorry not many(any) pics with the friends, but I think it was a good time for ALL!

p.s.- I was playing around with these in photoshop...what do you think? Too much?

{ I look like a fireman?}

{I just can't seem to get wet enough with so little water!}

{driving under the influence of sugar}

{boys will be boys}

{just building my dream home}

{hhmmmm, something about this doesn't taste right.'s plastic}

{yep, it's just as soft as it looks!}

{i just need a few things for dinner}

{this was the last part of the digestive guessed it...the poop}

{i think we've seen enough}

{just need to pay for our things...}

{take one more little rest...}

{pack up in the stroller...oh yeah, don't forget the thumb!}

Friday, March 7, 2008

Me & Bernina...

Long ago in the times of warm weather, I decided that I wanted to get into qUilTiNg. I know right now you are thinking...does this girl have hObBy A.D.D. or what. To that I say-YES!!! I guess I just want to try a lot of new things & I go a little crazy sometimes. Anyway, my friend was having a baby so I told her to pick a main fabric & I would do the rest. Since I don't actually own a sewing machine, I called my 14 year old niece & borrowed her BeRniNa. I had a blast~cutting & sewing & piecing, & loving every minute of it! Well, like I said it was warm when I started, Okay- actually hot then, I know it was a while ago! But, finally the project is finished & I couldn't be happier with it!!! I will definitely quilt again!

{all you need-is a little fabric~Corn wagon quilt Co. ...}

{oh & some thread...}

{a good friend to stipple it~thanks Cheryl...}

{& a really patient recipient!}

Monday, March 3, 2008

The countdown is over & She DID IT!!!!

To any & all who were curious about Jessica & her weightloss countdown...She DID IT!!!
I am so proud of her & relieved that I do not have to post any bikini pictures of her. Not because I wouldn't...cause I would have! Love ya Jess-WAY TO GO!!!

{right on the mark}

{thumbs up for Jess}

{lookin' great from the front}

{& the back!}