Friday, December 5, 2008

our itty bitty princess...

today Avi had her 2 year appointment.  lets just say it didn't go as well as i had hoped.  let me back up a little...
2 years ago i was almost 36 weeks pregnant & went in for a growth check (i had to have a lot of these when i was pregnant with Avi, because of the complications with Becks.) it started with my weekly non-stress test (i hate that name... they totally stress me out!), everything was looking fine, so i went in for my growth check.  the tech started looking & telling me that he could see chubby cheeks, hair, all looks good... blah, blah, blah.  the peronatologist came in & was checking things & that is when i got the news- did i mention that i was alone?!?- the Dr. says to me... "she looks good, about 4 lbs. 9 oz.." "she is measuring at about 33 weeks."  my worst nightmare was happening all over again.  Becks was 5 lbs. 1 oz. when he was born, full term, & they had no idea that there were any problems till after he was born.  
the doctor told me at that time that i had to have Avi that day.  i started crying and asked if there were any other options.  she said that if i came in everyday over the weekend, which was Thanksgiving weekend, i could have her monday.  so i did & she was perfect, little, but perfect.
now back to today-- avi has always been little!  she has still never been on the growth charts for weight & we have had to go every few months for growth checks.  i have just been praying lately that this appointment would be different.  it wasn't.  she had actually dropped from the -15% to -25%  on the weight charts.  that is not good for little people.  at 2 years old she finally weighs 20 lbs... even!  hey, look on the bright side-  i can finally turn her forward facing in her car seat, legally :)  so after a urine test, 2 shots & 8 blood tests, hopefully we will have some answers soon.  please remember avi in your prayers.  i just keep hoping that she is just skinny & lucky & it is nothing major like they are thinking!  Thanks for letting me blab.  


Whitney said...

Hi Britnee!
This is Whitney (Debenham) Hasler.
I can't say that I completely know what you are going through but I can to some degree. All my babies have been "normal" sized at birth but have been on the small end of things. When Avery (now almost 5) was 6 months old she was diagnosed "failure to thrive" and it was the most stressful thing! We did the CF test and blood test and what not and it ended up just being she wasn't getting enough to eat. Then Gabe (now 15 months) was not even on the charts for one of his visits in his first year. He is finally in the very low percentile and we are thrilled. Hang in there! I know how stressful it can be. She is a beautiful little girl and I LOVE her red hair. :) Your mom actually emailed me and told me to check out your blog. I had found it through Emilee Wright's blog a few months ago and have enjoyed seeing your cute little family. Your mom reminded me we have quite a few things in common and that it would be fun to reconnect at the "grown-up" stage of our lives! Great to see your cute family! I'd love to "chat" sometime. And, I'd LOVE to join your recipe club. Did you know I went to culinary arts school and love all things food? Someday I want to have a cookie business. Love, love, love baking and cookies!

Natalie said...

We love you guys and are thinking of you. She'll be in our prayers. XOXO

Anonymous said...

hi britnee! i recently stumbled upon your blog, love it btw. i just felt the need today after reading your post to tell you that you guys will be in our prayers. i can tell from your site the love that you and your husband have for your children and your faith you hold on to. keep that always! and just a note of encouragement... i was born 3 months premature and my mom worry about my weight for years, now at age 30 (and 4 years into my wonderful marriage) i'm thinking about weight watchers for these 25 extra pounds i have gained!!! :)
many blessings,

MartyE said...

That is so stressful--I am so sorry. I will remember little Avi in my prayers.

Janie was so small when she was a toddler that the pediatrician labeled her "failure to thrive" and they sent us to an endocrinologist. After a lot of tests and family history questions they decided she was short in stature. It turns out Janie's great grandpa was 5'5" and that seemed to justify to the doc why she was so small. The doctor told us to put her in ice skating or gymnastics! She's still small, but I feel better about getting her cuter clothes cause I know she'll wear them longer.

Kipn n' Sarah said...

I have a friend named Janel that has 2 kids that have the same problem. They are itty bitty for their age and they have gotten no answers from the doctors. They have done countless tests on their oldest and can not figure anything out but she is seriously not growing much at all. I can get you her contact info if you two want to talk sometime. She is acutally up there in your area as well. Anyway, you two might be able to work together on this one.
Just thought I might inform you that you are not alone in this!

Jen said...

You guys are in my prayers!!!

Kaerlig said...

Sweet little Avi. Hope she is just lucky. I'll be thinking of you guys.

Tan+Charee+Chloe+Tru said...

she's in our prayers i love you so much!!! i'll just put in a prayer order to heavenly father to let it be that it's just that she's a miss petit and that's it....i really hope that's all. i love you and will send nice thoughts to you and your family

sillyhaywardfamily said...

Sorry that that happened!! But I am sure she probably just inherated those skinny genes!!! Lucky girl!!!

{owens} said...

Hey brit, this is ash, whitter's friend and i check up on your blog every once and a while (i have found a new love for cooking, thanks to your recipe blog too). anyway, i just wanted to let you know your little, precious avi is in our prayers and hopefully she is just that...little. love ash

Mary and Ryan said...

What a precious, beautiful little girl. I am thinking and praying for her(and for you).