it snowed a little in the fall, but i didn't get any pics of that. so it was really fun when we left our ward christmas party saturday morning to come out to snow falling. the kids all loved it & thought it was the perfect christmas present from our bishop:) luckily i had my camera & caught a couple of shots.

{first you catch it...}

{or, you can just catch it right in your mouth}

{then you eat it...}

{then you catch again... chocolate milk mustache & all}

{then you close your eyes to make one goofy looking face!}
so cute!!! your kids are adorable!
It was fun having it snow after the party. Did you get any from the dumping today?
too cute. love the open mouth shot!
oh yeah, and next time could we get a reminder call for the next ward party! thanks.
Love the pictuers, so so so cute!!!
Brit- I found your blog via Ashleys blog, your kids are so adorable!! I saw your pics of your family on Facebook but now that I know you have a blog I will keep up a little better. good to see you.
Hey Brit,
These pictures are great!!! I have been meaning to ask you what kind of camera you have? We are thinking about getting a good camera and I have been looking at a Canon. Anyways, you have a beautiful family and we wish you guy's Happy Holiday's!!!
remember back...a l o n g L O N G
time ago? when catching snowflakes on your toungue & tasting them was just about one of the greatest things to experience?! how fun to see the pure simple joy your babe-lettes are having experiencing that now!!! i love it! thanks for sharing! you're all dolls!!!
xo kitty...
aka: mama lew...
aka: nana lew...
aka: debrah lew...
ok i'm done now, goodnight!
ps: i lied, thanks for the beautiful bow for chloer's!
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