Avi had her 2 year appointment. lets just say it didn't go as well as i had hoped. let me back up a little...
2 years ago i was almost 36 weeks pregnant & went in for a growth check (i had to have a lot of these when i was pregnant with Avi, because of the complications with Becks.) it started with my weekly non-stress test (i hate that name... they totally stress me out!), everything was looking fine, so i went in for my growth check. the tech started looking & telling me that he could see chubby cheeks, hair, all looks good... blah, blah, blah. the peronatologist came in & was checking things & that is when i got the news- did i mention that i was alone?!?- the Dr. says to me... "she looks good, about 4 lbs. 9 oz.." "she is measuring at about 33 weeks." my worst nightmare was happening all over again. Becks was 5 lbs. 1 oz. when he was born, full term, & they had no idea that there were any problems till after he was born.
the doctor told me at that time that i had to have Avi that day. i started crying and asked if there were any other options. she said that if i came in everyday over the weekend, which was Thanksgiving weekend, i could have her monday. so i did & she was perfect, little, but perfect.
now back to today-- avi has always been little! she has still never been on the growth charts for weight & we have had to go every few months for growth checks. i have just been praying lately that this appointment would be different. it wasn't. she had actually dropped from the -15% to -25% on the weight charts. that is not good for little people. at 2 years old she finally weighs 20 lbs... even! hey, look on the bright side- i can finally turn her forward facing in her car seat, legally :) so after a urine test, 2 shots & 8 blood tests, hopefully we will have some answers soon. please remember avi in your prayers. i just keep hoping that she is just skinny & lucky & it is nothing major like they are thinking! Thanks for letting me blab.