Sunday, October 5, 2008

happy birthday to my vErY aMaZiNg MoThEr...

{me, avi, grammy B. & my mom}

today was the birthday of probably the most amazing person that i know!  my MOM.  not only is she an amazing mother, she is seriously an amazing person!!!  a lot of you ask me or comment as to how i get so much done.?.  i get that part of my personality from her.  she also helps me a lot in so many projects.  
my mom worked full time while we were growing up, yet still made the time to make every costume i ever wore, every outfit that my dolls & barbies wore... yes i said barbies.  
she came to all of my dance concerts, helped me with all my homework, taught me how to cook, sew, bottle peaches & tomato juice, make jam, do flowers... the list goes on & on & on.  
she is such a fun involved grammy to my kids as well & i don't think they would be able to live without her either.  she gave me the tools that i use to be the best mother that i can be & i hope that one day i will be able to pass on all that she has given me to my kids.  thank you mom, for being THE most AMAZING person i know.  i am so blessed to call you my mother!


Natalie said...

I love that....your mom is a supermom. She has defintely passed on a lot of her amazing-ness to you.

Jen said...

You've got to love Mom's!! I'm so happy that I know your mom too! She really is the best! Your lucky to have her. :)

Kipn n' Sarah said...

Aaaawwww..... I feel the totally same way about my mother and it is so cool to read others that feel this way about their moms.
She sounds truly amazing and this is such a sweet post! I now see why you are the amazing woman you are.

Lindsay said...

I LOVE YOUR HEADER!!!!! so cute! Happy late birthday to your mom!