Saturday, August 23, 2008

...back to School...

so, this was becks first week at his new preschool.  was super excited!!!  the morning that  we went to meet the teacher day, we were in the car on our way when beckham says to me-- mom, just drop me off.  don't come in.  i sat there for a minute & then said... no bud, i am going to come in.  then he quickly replied-- fine, but don't bring your camera!  i looked at him & said... I'm coming in & I'm bringing my camera!
meet the teacher day went great & he was super excited for his first day of school.  & as if our 1st conversation wasn't painful enough as a mother it got worse!!!  this time we were in the kitchen getting breakfast before we left that morning, when he touched my leg & looked at me with the sweetest eyes & says-- hey mom, PROMISE me something?!?  don't come in today, just drop me off.  & my response again... I'm COMING IN!!!!!  i thought he wouldn't be this way till at least Jr. high!  as promised i did take my camera & he did let me take a few pics.

{becks & mrs. S****}

{B & P working on puzzles}

{i pick... this one}

{look mom, I'm a smartie}

{once he found the toys he was right at home}


Ashley said...

How funny! I am about to go through this same thing in about two weeks. But I think I will have just the opposite...a crying leg hanging child screaming and begging me no to leave. Be glad he is so independent.

Kipn n' Sarah said...

How stinkin funny, well I am not sure it was too funny to you but it cracks me up that he is acting so big! Congrats on being a mommy of a school aged person.

Jack Attack said...

funny story. I wish my little guy was a brave as Beckham. We're still having issues with nursery and it has been 5 months now.

Kass Martin said...

What a little stud. Your kids are so cute. I think it's really cute to see what buds they are.

Jen said...

That is to funny, and just like Aubrey! She is always telling me not to go with her and that she can do it all by herself! Is it too much to want to be needed!

Dan and Al Gardner said...

What a little punk. That's so funny, sounds like you're doomed after this year.