Like i said before, it was a trip... not a vacation! But it was so amazing & i wish we could have only stayed longer!!!! What an amazing place with so much history. i feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to see so many thing what form the history of me & my family. i feel like a stronger & even happier person because of the things we were able to see & do there. i might have
exaggerated just a little about the amount of pictures. Even thought it wasn't a trillion, there were still way too many to post. these are just a few of my favorites. i will try to
narrate the best i can.

{i love the A&B in this picture!!! it was on the shuttle stop window & i couldn't help but capture it!}

{we didn't arrive in Nauvoo until later in the evening on the first night, so the next morning we started bright & early at the Blacksmith's}

{watching the demonstrations...}

{avi getting a little bored}

{making a horseshoe}

{just like they would have in pioneer times}

{outside the Blacksmith they had a few pastures... the kids of course loved the horses!}

{later that night we went to the pageant. it was so spectacular & moving!}

{the next day we took the kids to "pioneer past times"...}

{they of course had a total blast. playing & imagining...}

{just pretending to be pioneer children}

{they weren't the same toys that we play with now, but they we so fun!}

{becks cutie cousin Peyton. the sweetest little pioneer you've ever seen!}

{later we went to the temple to take pictures.}

{after the temple we went to Carthage Jail...}

{it was such a humbling experience & one i will never forget!!!}

{we visited the grave sites.}

{& the homes. i love this picture of Jaxson & i imagine that this is how everyone felt as the waited, no matter how long, to see the prophet.}

{later that evening we went back to the pre-pageant festivities.}

{beckham & peyton just wanted to dance... all night!!!}

{after we went to Annie's & got frozen custard... yep, she is definitely mine!}

{we got home to find this nasty creature on our house. it makes you realize why the pioneers wore so many layers to keep these guys out!}

{it was because of this special lady... Quinn's mom, that this was all made possible. thank you so much Donna, for a wonderful trip to such a special place.}

{we will never forget it!!!!!!}