Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You've had a Birthday shout...HoOrAy!! & he DID!

I can't believe that my baby is 3! How time FliEs! This has been a really fun week though. Our Bishop let Becks go into SuNbEaMs, since his B-day came so soon in the New Year. So, on Sunday they sang "The Birthday Song" to him. For any who don't know, or can't ReMeMbEr- The song says..."You've had a Birthday, shout HoOrAy" but in our ward the whole primary sings the first part & then OnLy the Birthday kids say-HoOrAy. Well let's just say that Beckham never stopped saying it. He probably said HoOrAy 10 times throughout the song. By the time he was done the entire room~Adults included were in a complete GigGle!!! & as you imagine he just aTe-It-uP! After Sunday the week just got more fun. He decided that he wanted to go to ChUcKiE cHeEsE for his special dinner. {isn't that every parents DrEaM?} We aren't having his actual party for another week so I will have more b-day pics to follow! Anyway... I love this kid too much & can't imagine what my LiFe would be like with out him nor do I ever want to have to find out.


6 P's in a Pod said...

I can TOTALLY picture the Beck-ster doing that and I laugh and laugh! He's the happiest kid I know!

sillyhaywardfamily said...

Happy birthday beckham!!! You are such a big boy!!! We love you!!!!

Mary and Ryan said...

Happy Birthday! I cant wait to see your party pictures, you put Martha Stewart to shame with anything festive.

Haley Warner said...

Yay!! Beckham.. he's so grown up! Sunbeams is a whole new world!

Stacia said...

Happy Birthday Big Guy! (I am still in complete shock that it's been three years since that little bugger was born!) He just gets more handsome by the day.

Tiff said...

Happy Birthday - It really is so crazy to imagine your life with out your kids! They really do make life so fun and exciting! I hope he had a fabulous birthday!!!

Vickie said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to my favorite Beckham! He is not only the most handsome 3 year old I know but definitely the most fun. I love you Beckster.

Brit, your Blog is the cutest. I just love visiting it and seeing what you things you've added. Keep up the awesome job.
